Chaos reigns in Kg Berembang
Nov 30, 06 1:24pm |
The Ampang
Jaya Municipal Council tore down the only remaining structure in Kampung
Berembang in Ampang - a surau - but not before leaving the 30-year-old village
looking like a battle ground.
members of several non-government organisations and political parties, were
involved in a physical battle with enforcement officers from the council, who
were backed by police and the Federal Reserve Unit to save the surau.
Last week, the council had demolished
all the 50-odd houses in the village, leaving only the surau behind - that
too after a long and hard protest by the villagers and members of a grassroots
movement, Jerit.
The villagers had since put up makeshift shelters amid
their demolished houses in the bid to protect the surau.
This morning, MPAJ, armed with four bulldozers, came in to finish the job and
again they faced stiff resistence from the villagers.
Some 60 villagers and activists had stood steadfast in their last stand against
the demolition. They had also parked their vehicles in a cordon around the
surau to stop the bulldozers.
Attempts by the pro-tem
secretary-general of Parti Sosialis Malaysia S Arutchelvan to negotiate with
enforcement agencies failed and a scuffle broke out when the MPAJ personnel
started uprooting trees just outside the surau.
But the situation got out of hand when the MPAJ
enforcement team started cutting the fence of the surau at 11am.
They then towed away the
vehicles cordoning the surau using MPAJ tow-trucks to an unknown
Villagers who tried to block the demolition were violently shoved and pushed
aside by the MPAJ enforcement officers, who numbered more than 100.
police and the FRU joined the fray to beat the villagers and their
supporters who had gathered there.
Women and children, who were holed up inside the surau, were also not
The enforcement officers were aggressive against both the women and children.
One woman who had locked herself with a steel chain to
the surau was forcibly removed.
The officers were seen pulling the hair of some of the women and slapping the
children who refused to leave the surau.
"I was afraid but somehow I found the courage to try to
stop the officers, maybe because I care for the surau," said Aida
Suhaida (below), 15, who was
slapped by a MPAJ officer.
us, but they kicked me and stepped on my stomach while I was sitting at the
(surau's) staircase," said Norhasliana Osman Taad, 22, who was pull by the
officers until her cloth was torn.
"They slapped my face until my eyes turned red. The
children were also stepped on by them," she said.
In the aftermath of the
melee, 11 people - nine activists and two villagers - were arrested and taken
to the Ulu Kelang Taman Keramat police station and Ampang Jaya police station.
As the dust settled, Kampung Berembang looked like a battle zone with
villagers fallen to the ground, some crying in pain, about
four fainted and some vomited as a result of sheer exhaustion.
By 1pm, the MPAJ had completed their surau demolition job.
Is it over for Kg Berembang? No the debate has just started! | |
Malaysiakini's Yoges Palaniappan first had written: It’s all over for Kg Berembang "After putting up a stern and sustained fight to defend their homes for almost four months, Kampung Berembang villagers in Ampang today finally succumbed to the combined might of the local authorities and a private developer....." But then Parti Sosialis reply with BEREMBANG – IT IS NOT OVER YET ! "There were only three houses to be demolished and a number of tents but yet it took hundreds of policemen and women including the FRU, the Developer's people and their thugs to demolish the houses and bring down the fierce resistance put out by the Berembang settlers and the activist who stood with them. ...." Let's read the contents: It’s all over for Kg Berembang Mar 7, 07 5:29pm After putting up a stern and sustained fight to defend their homes for almost four months, Kampung Berembang villagers in Ampang today finally succumbed to the combined might of the local authorities and a private developer. was the day the private developer succeeded in tearing down all the houses in the village to bring this 30-year-old settlement to rubbles. At the end, the developers, with the assistance of the Ampang Jaya Municipal Council (MPAJ), managed to evict some 470 long time residents from the village - situated less than 10km from the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur. The operations started at 8am and was carried out by a private developer with instructions from Acmar International, a company which has entered into joint ventures with Permodalan Negeri Selangor Berhad (PNSB), the land owners. The private demolition squad was aided by the police force and Federal Reserve Unit (FRU). Villagers, together with activists from grassroots support group Jerit and student movement Dema, gathered inside remaining houses to prevent demolition. team of about 90 police personnel and 69 FRU personnel removed the squatters and gave way for the developers to tear down the houses which were left from the previous demolition exercise on Monday. Then operation was temporarily halted after Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) intervened on behalf of the residents. Yesterday, a negotiation between the developers and the villagers was called off with instructions from the Selangor state government. This village has been a scene of chaos and destruction when MPAJ, backed by Rela, the police and the FRU, had failed to complete their demolition exercise on four occasions - Nov 17, 20 and 30, and last Monday. Disobeying court order Socialist Party of Malaysia’s pro-tem secretary general, S Arutchelvan said the demolition exercise proves the authorities’ abuse of power. have two separate injunctions filed at the Shah Alam High Court to decide on the future of the land. The ex parte injunction will be heard on March 14, whereas the interim injunction will be heard on May 27. Until then, nobody has the right to demolish the village,” he said. “And here, we see brutal abuse of power by police who help the private developers to throw the villagers out of their homes with no respect to the injunctions,” he added. DAP state assemblyman for Sungai Pinang, Teng Chang Khim, who is also the lawyer representing the squatters, said that the injunctions only gave the developers the power to prevent squatters from building new houses in the area, and not to demolish the standing buildings. Six arrested According to Ampang Jaya police chief Amer Awal, the police were present to maintain the peace at the village after receiving a report from PNSB. Also present at the site was Acmar International chairman and former state assemblyman for Morib, Samad Maharuddin. He declined to comment on the demolition works and said that he was there just to monitor the situation. A total of six arrests were made today and two people were injured during the commotion between the squatters and authorities. Parti Keadilan Rakyat Information chief Tian Chua and other five others, including three villagers, were arrested while trying to stop the demolition this morning. They have been taken to the Ulu Klang police station at Taman Sri Keramat and the Ampang police station at Taman Dagang. A PKR press statement said that they were likely to be held overnight and brought to court tomorrow morning. BEREMBANG – IT IS NOT OVER YET ! Ampang, 7 March 2007 There were only three houses to be demolished and a number of tents but yet it took hundreds of policemen and women including the FRU, the Developer's people and their thugs to demolish the houses and bring down the fierce resistance put out by the Berembang settlers and the activist who stood with them. What would in normal circumstances take only half an hour to complete took an entire day and till the last plank was removed, the resistance never surrendered. At the end of the day, the Developer and the police went into an agreement allowing the settlers to camp just outside the current village area and the developer forked out RM 60,000 to pay some compensation. It was astonishing to see the developer who previously refuse to fork out even a cent succumb so fast. A black and white agreement was signed with the developer, the police and the people's representative putting their names on it and the agreement was scrutinized by the settlers representative which would not stop them from taking further action. The lawyers who were at the scene – Latheefa Koya and later joined by Edmond Bon and Teng Chang Khim all declared that the demolition today was unlawful and the police's action illegal. The police led by ACP Amer Awan though kept maintaining that he was only ensuring the peace took a clear side in assisted the Developer – Perspektive Masa Sdn. Bhd. to carry out this illegal operation. The lawyers seeing the brutality in their own eyes have vowed to take legal action against the developer and those who assisted them at the demolition. The current legal tussle started when on Monday, the Kampung Berembang Chairperson was served with a letter from Tabian Tahir & Co stating that the Developer of Kampung Berembang –PNSB has obtained an Interim Injunction to prevent the local people from stopping the developer's work. The same letter states that if the people do not follow the order then the Developer can go for committal proceeding to execute the order. This is normally done after two weeks the first notice is submitted but on that same day, the developer with the full protection of RELA and gangsters from Klang started demolition work. The interim Injunction was not served on the people and legal experts have called this a miscarriage of justice. With no regards to due process, the developer armed with RELA and gangsters and the police force went on the rampage. To make matters worst, an inter parte hearing was fixed for the 14 th. Of March 2007 which is just next week. The people managed to stop the demolition the other day. This morning, they came back again and it was said that the Selangor Chief Minister himself Khir Toyo instructed the homes be demolished and the Selangor Police Chief carried out the orders to assist the developer. The people resistance led by 60 remaining settlers has been backed strongly by JERIT and its coalition members – Urban Poor Coalition and the Youth and Student wing Coalition along with Parti Sosialis Malaysia(PSM) led the fierce fight-back. Today's resistance also saw the united front of the opposition parties joining in from PAS, PKR and DAP leaders. Tian Chua was arrested while other leaders such as Dr. Nasir Hashim, S.Arutchelvan, Hatta Ramli and Sallahuddin were all physically removed from the houses. Later, it was made known that Tian was arrested for "attempting murder" when all he did was break an illegal barricade created by the developer and their thugs to stop outsiders from coming into the village. All in, six people were arrested for various ridiculous reasons but the police though arrested dozen's of people at every encounter, released them immediately. This morning, the developers attempted to seal the front entrance and brought in their lorries and machinery to do earth work and remove the peoples belonging as well as demolish the remaining houses. They were met by strong resistance and many fights occurred at numerous occasion. Both sides sustained injuries during these encounters. Two policewomen were removed from the scene – one of them hurting her leg while the other women just broke down and could not handle the pressure. The settlers and the activist then stay put inside the houses while hundreds of policemen and developers would try to demolish these homes. It would take the police and the developers more than an hour to bring down these houses in spite of their huge numbers. It would normally just take 3 minutes to bring down a settlers house on normal circumstances. Background Kampung Berembang is located at Jalan Ampang near Hospital Gleneagles. There were at one time more than a hundred families living here and they have been building this settlement forty years ago. In 2003, the people were promised low-cost houses by Pemodalan Negeri Selangor Berhad, Acmar International and Perspektif Masa Sdn Bhd. These homes were to be built near the current village but these houses are yet to be built. Under these circumstances, the settlers were given eviction notice on 17/11/2005 to vacate the village. They were not given alternative permanent homes but were offered temporary homes at Puchong – 30km away. The settlers refused and asked for relocation near-by as it is the State Government policy to relocate within 2-3km. The State used the draconian Emergency Clearance of Squatter regulation 1969 and gave the villagers seven days to get out. A group of brave settlers then decided to fight this order and they were assisted by Sdr. Teng Chang Khim – the State opposition leader who was their lawyer for the case. A temporary injunction ensured their homes were saved initially. On 14 November 2006, the State Government claimed that the land belonged to them while the settlers maintained that land had already been given to a private developer. The court fixed April 30 th. to hear the case. Just three days after that on the 17 November and then on the 20 November, the local council (MPAJ) with the assistance of the police and developers came to demolish the homes. Many people were arrested and injured. The people rebuilt the houses and on 30 November, the houses and the surau(Place of worship) was demolished. The people have since rebuilt their homes until the latest attack on 5 th. March 2007. Aftermath After the last house was brutally torn down, some reports have indicated that this is the end of Kampung Berembang. The battle was lost today but the war remains to be fought and won. The people have merely retreated 50 meters outside the current settlement. They have put up their tents. With their original settlement fully closed, the struggle would now focus outside. While the ground was lost today, the spirit remains among some of the settlers who have pledged to carry on the struggle. The last three days has seen intense struggle between the settlers and the developers. The police, the State and even the courts seem to be with the oppressors. Malaysia with all its wealth cannot resolve the housing issues of its people. There seem to be no political will and the battle for housing rights is far from over – in Berembang, Rimba Jaya and else where. |
Rebuilding Kg Berembang

"Citizens sleep in tents; Ministers live in luxury".
For context, read "Marginalising the Poor"

who had their homes destroyed takes shelter in tents with the Petronas
Twin Towers, the symbol of Malaysia's developed status as the backdrop.
it breaks our heart to read these sad stories highlighted by tony
sincerely hope that under the capable leadership of our Prime Minister,
Pak Lah, his commitment of the following which he conveyed in his BN
Manifesto will be followed through by his team conscienciously and
effectively :
* FULLY eradicate poverty
* REDUCE income disparities
* INCREASE the extend and quality of low-cost housing
* etc. etc.
( " alice in wonderland ", a Citizen Of Malaysia )- 9:05 AM
I think AAB just talk talk- 1:48 PM
Maverick SM said...
This is unislamic and against the principles of natural justice
About Me
Amir Hafizi is the sexiest man on Earth. His chest is as thick as any
redwood trunk; from which hangs two great boughs of heavily muscled
arms and one minor but strong branch of solid wood somewhere down
Saturday, March 10, 2007
When I die, I would like to be cremated and my ashes shot into space on a collison course to the sun.
I don't want any worms or bugs or blowfly larvae to eat my flesh. Have a real problem with that.
that, cause I am a Muslim and they will steal my body before anyone can
set fire to it or wire it up with C4 explosives, I'd settle for a
vacuum-sealed, airtight coffin with anti-bacterial coating.
Inside a three kilometre thick slab of lead. Inside Area 51. Or Kg Berembang.
Kg Berembang - that's a story no Malaysian newspaper will tell properly
because Malaysians are idiots and believe everything they're told.
You're all stupid, so get back in your cages and eat your banana. And
don't forget to go in the corner.
Anyway, since you're all stupid, why not listen to this side of the story rather than that one: Read Lainie the Lesbian's first hand account here and here.
story short, the property developers Acmar International and Perspektif
Masa tore down the houses at Kg Berembang, allegedly disregarding a
court hearing of the case scheduled on March 14.
Here's a list of projects the company is involved in, taken from this page.
The Palm Apartment (Block C) at Bandar Baru Klang
PNSB Acmar Sdn Bhd
Bandar Baru Klang Commercial Centre (Phase 3) at Bandar Baru Klang
Succes Leadership Alliance Sdn Bhd
276 Units Terrace House Type RT2A And RT2B at Puchong
Usahasama Utama Sdn Bhd
202 Units Terrace House Type RT3A And RT3B at Puchong
Usahasama Utama Sdn Bhd
260 Units Low Cost Apartment at Puchong
Usahasama Utama Sdn Bhd
91 Units High Cost Townhouse at Kemensah, Ampang
Perspektif Masa Sdn Bhd
84 Units Townhouse at Kemensah, Ampang
Perspektif Masa Sdn Bhd
694 Units Low Cost Apartment at Kg.Berembang, Ampang.
Perspektif Masa Sdn Bhd
505 Units High Cost Apartment at Kg.Berembang, Ampang.
Perspektif Masa Sdn Bhd
28 Units Bungalow at Bandar Baru Klang
Panorama Senja Sdn Bhd
Here is a picture - taken from the same website - of the guy who found the company, the great Mr Tee Leh Teck.

And here is the cover of a comic book I happen to have just lying around in my hard drive:
They accused Tian Chua of PKR of attempted murder and he is now facing 20 years in prison, while the developers who sought to demolish buildings with people still inside them will get away scott free.
Not that I have any sympathies whatsoever with PKR - you guys suck, man - but that's not right.
now presented with all this information - text, testimonials, pictures
and even fucking videos of what's happening in the country, plus some
minor parodies, what are Malaysians going to do?
Absolutely nothing.
Malaysians suck. Malaysians are stupid. Malaysians are lazy. Malaysians
are greedy, like pigs. The lives and homes of Malaysians are worth less
than nothing. No one is going to do a Goddamned thing. Tian Chua will
rot in jail. Perspektif Masa will be the next big YTL Corp by building
and bulldozing over poor people.
And those who read newspapers
which should be reporting the truth will point fingers at the poor
people of Kg Berembang and say, "Ha-haaa! Fucking squatters. Now squat
this, bitch!"
Eight months down the line, people who make more
than RM100,000 a year will snap up 505 houses and apartments at Kg
Berembang, built over the homes of those Malaysians stupid enough to be
born poor. Ha-haah! Your father's not a millionaire. Neener neener
And KJ claps meerily, expecting the birth of his spawn
which will cement his claim to the throne of Malaysia; and Pak Lah
dances to the tune of Nak Dara Rindu. As piece by piece, we sell our
country to Singapore to fund the rise of ambitious politicians.
C'mon, everybody, let's have a party! Money wins!
man. When I die, I want that fucking cremation ceremony. Or be blast
off into space. I don't wnt to be buried here cause Perspektif Masa and
Acmar whatever might want to steal my grave and stick concrete pylons
down my ass.
I wish I could say that this is not my country
anymore and that I got an offer from Robert Rodriguez to write scripts
for his next movie. Or Harper Collins suddenly is giving me a 600,000
pound sterling advance on a book I'm going to write.
But I can't.
well. Do you think Perspektif Masa would be interested in publishing a
magazine or coffee table book for its future residents?
Or maybe they would need artistes and whatever for the unveiling of Mr Tee's new statue:

Who the fuck gives a shit?
said...- Amir: I don't want any worms or bugs or blowfly larvae to eat my flesh. Have a real problem with that.
kind a bloody selfish attitude is that? Wanting to deprive creepy
crawlies and all creatures disgusting of their God-bleeping right to a
piece of the food-chain! That's downright selfish of you, so devoid of
the great human spirit of sharing and oneness, etc... etc...
[shaking head]
so disappointed in you, Amir. I took you for an equal opportunity earth
squatter. You ARE one of us, aren't you, inspite of the cape? (In any
case I heard a phuket ho did the kryptonite test on you and... well,
you're still around. :D)
The way I see it, if we Malaysians (and
you ARE one, if not by the ermm... virtue of the phuket ho, then by
virtue of the 'Malay' in your blog moniker) can allow loathesome
cretins like KJ and that [yikes!] bloated Tee thing to feast on us
alive, why make a fuss when we're just rotting meat, huh? - 3:55 AM
freelunch2020 said...- hey
good work i see u swinging towards the opposition cause?
hahahhahhahahhahahahah...j/k/// i know u prob love moolah more...:D
hahhahahh but good i can just do the normal n curi your post...hahahhahah ai love cyberspace...:D - 8:41 AM
said...- Ha,
ha, ha. I think you're probably the best satirist in Malaysia. Those
pix really floored me ...., ha, ha, ha. You put me in such a good mood.
Be back in two weeks to hear whether you still have your pants on.
Probably yes because all that we read here is absolutely fiction.
Absolutely last comment from here. Leaving right now. Roxanne.
Me in
envious thought: How can he turn out such amazing zingers day after day
after day .... must be all that unspent fucking energy. - 9:47 AM
alhusseyn said...- URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]
He's playing god!
MPAJ's Rampage in obliterating the village of Kg.Berembang!

photos show how members of JERIT, largely comprised of poor Malaysian
Indians coming to help save the homes of their fellow Malaysian Malays!
Malaysians also bravely confront the cruel MPAJ Demolition squad and
put themselves in harm's way before the swinging batons and truncheons
of the FRU and get walloped, pummelled and beaten to a pulp for daring
to try and stop the destruction of the Kg.Berembang poor squatter

of the poor are bulldozed mercilessly by those whom the villagers now
know that they are no better than gangsters in uniform!

Malays of Kg Berembang now have seen how the very people whom many
thought were their enemies and will 'rob' them of their rights and
'Ketuanan Melayu' must surely be regretting time held suspicions
against the Chinese and the Indians who are their defenders against
injustice that has been perpetrated against them by their own kind!

the villagers of Kg Berembang are seeing with their own eyes that the
'Keling Hindu' are the ones who are willing to shed their own blood by
lying down on the grounds to stop the MPAJ demolition crews from
bulldozing the Malay villagers homes!
Look at this Malaysian
Indian brave fellow citizen who has laid down himself to stop the MPAJ
Destroyers from harming the squatters homes!
This is the 'Keling
Hindu' who is despised by some of the racist idiots all these while
thinking so badly of the Indians of Malaysia and now who ought to be
ashamed of themselves for failing to realise that evil exists even in
their own races and fellow 'Muslims'!
I put the ' marks here because a true Muslim will never commit these injustices as those being done by the MPAJ!

at the faces of these poor people whose kids are now traumatised by
seeing their homes, the places they grew up in, be there no more!
Verily, those responsible for causing these children to cry in fear and despair will not have a good end!
Kg Berembang villagers will surely curse the animals in uniform who did
not spare them a thought and have bulldozed their homes! They will now
see their fellow 'Malays' in the MPAJ to be what they truly are !
Devils in uniform!

these corrupted ones to spare a thought about where the villagers will
sleep tonight is as asking a stonewall for compassion!
They are blind to all these ! They are deaf, dumb and heartless towards the poor!
the rich and infamous, they'll kiss the hands of those who have the
ringgits! Such are those who are not bothered as to the rights of the

these people have gathered to show support to the villagers yet found
out that they are dealing with those whose hearts have been blackened
with arrogance and contempt for the poor!
These social activists put to practice what many in UMNO just preach!
folks from JERIT are not kith or kin to the Kg Berembang villagers yet
here they are ; ready to face the dangers from the FRU and MPAJ
Demolition crews who are ready to beat them up without mercy!

These are university students and activists from JERIT who are only trying to help the Kg Berembang villagers!

are people who do not have nothing but compassion for their fellow
Malaysians. See the various ethnicities gathered here to defend the
villagers homes!

Is this the fellow Malay whom the Malays of Kg Berembang expecting to get any mercy from?
is the 'semangat Melayu' from this tough guy? He'd smash you before you
can even say 'Hidup Melayu!' and beat you to a pulp for daring to stand
up for the rights of the common citizen!
From all those buttons on his shoulder, he's a first class merciless uniformed thug!

Malays out there! Look at who is defending your fellow Malays?
Is it Pemuda UMNO? Pemuda MCA? Gerakan?
Nahh.. they have bigger things to do. Like taking care of themselves and their pockets!
It's only activists like JERIT who dare defend the villagers!

Here are the MPAJ goon squads!
are those who don't give a hoot as to where the poor villagers are
gonna sleep tonight and tomorrow and will only say ' We are just
following orders!'
Where is the love? None to give!

It is none but an Indian Malaysian who has the heart to defend his fellow citizens regardless of race or religious differences!
Syabas Mr Arutchelvam of JERIT!
reading this report, take a good hard look at those whom some of the
dimwits amongst the population call derogatory terms and insults
against the Malaysian Indians as 'keling' and the Malaysian Chinese as
'China Bukit', etc!
These are the ones who have come forward as
fellow Malaysians and have the 'balls' to defend the largely Malay
squatter village of Kg.Berembang!
"Orang berbudi ; kita berbahasa!" Kawan ketika duka dan lara adalah kawan sejati!
Bukan macam pagar yang sebangsa dan seagama tetapi makan padi dengan begitu kejam dan lahap sekali!"
' When people do us favors ; we reciprocate in return' and ' Not as
trusting the fence that is of the same race and faith but in turn
devour the padi @ rice in such cruelty and unabridled gluttony!

destruction and cruel eviction methods being deployed by the MPAJ @
Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya and the use of the FRU @ Federal Reserve
Units at the squatter colony at Kg.Berembang, Ampang, Selangor!
is located behind the Gleneagles Hospital, Jalan Ampang, Selangor. All
these while, the squatter colony has been hidden from the public eyes
by the grand private hospital building, a 5 star medical centre ,
usually the treatment centre for the nation's Sultan's, VVIP's and the
cream of the crop, so to speak!

I understand that yes, the land does not belong to the villagers and that development is due to take place there.
But what I am not happy about is the manner in which the eviction has been carried out so far where the MPAJ has gone ahead and bulldozed
the homes of those people who have been living there since twenty
thirty years ago! Activists protesting the highhandedness of the cruel
MPAJ have been arrested and thrown into the lockups!

The photos are sourced from JERIT and Malaysiakini.
May God bless them and also for the brave work they are doing for the people of Malaysia!
News is information and Knowledge is Power! Remember all these pictures and the pain of the people!

people who have come and destroyed their homes are not 'Keling Hindu'
or 'China Bukit' @ derogatory names that those Malays who are racist
chauvinistic dimwits who at times will shout 'Hidup Melayu' whilst
threatening to bathe their 'kris'es with Chinese or Indian blood are
today perplexed to see none but these two ethnicities come forward to
defend their Malay kampongs from the heartless demolition team of their
fellow Malay majority MPAJ @ Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya!
A Malaysian Indian woman gets arrested for wanting to protest against the demolition of Malay homes!
is a gross act of injustice when local authorities spare the illegally
built homes of the rich and infamous such as the 'Dream Palace' of
Datuk Zakaria Mat Deros in the village of Pandamaran, a humongous
structure jutting high above the village homes all around it ; yet are
so hardhanded when it comes to homes of the poor villagers of
What kind of a government do we have here in
Malaysia? We go help others when disaster strikes our neighbouring
countries and even go as far as Bam in Iran and to the quake hit
mountain villages in Pakistan, yet we have corrupt and screwed up ,
recalcitrant local authorities like the MPAJ and MPK, cruelly destroy
and crush the homes and belongings of the squatter villagers without
giving them the alternative housings and allow them to move their
belongings as they need to according to normal, decent, human to human
Are they vicious, hardcore criminals, out to create
mayhem and civil disorder that the FRU hve to be deployed to beat up
women and children in their iron fist policies against poor villagers
caught in a situation where they can't spit nor swallow?

Is this the example of how a caring government under the rhetoric of 'Islam Hadhari' of the ruling BN government?
Where is the spirit of human compassion that is being touted by these bloody politicians who do not practice what they preach?
for one can only ask Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to give those
culprits their dues for victimising the poor people and treat them
worse than criminals, by destroying the lifes and homes of such poor
people living a hard life behind the facade of Selangor being one of
the most developed states in Malaysia!
In their haste to
demolish the squatter colonies, the authorities in the MPAJ and
Selangor State Government have failed to exercise proper understanding
and compassion towards the citizens of this state!
Where is the kindness they portray in the tv news sections and propaganda through the multimedia?
is the spirit of 'Islam Hadhari' that these hypocrites almost always
showcase in all the clearly self glorifying shows and concerts that
they hold every other day trying to fool the people that they are the
ones who are advocating the empty slogan of 'Cemerlang, Gemilang and
Terbilang' of the one's who are the top guns of this gone crazy local

is clearly an injustice when a local authority fails to rule and go
about it in a manner befitting those who are carrying the trust and
responsibility placed upon them by a government that is voted into
power by all the citizens, both the filthy rich, the middle class and
the very poor citizens of this country and from those living in abject
poverty as those squatters in Kg.Berembang!
Never forget that those of you who are now in power will one day return to the earth!
those of you, who live in palatial mansions, clothe yourselves in rich
, expensive materials, dine in 5 star comforts and splurge as you
please whilst still alive will one day be dead and cold, lying stiff,
awaiting burial by those whom you will surely leave behind!

of you who go and wallop the poor! The women and the children! The poor
villager trying to defend his home, his wife, his children, his family
from your batons and shields, is going to raise his hands to Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and ask God to teach you who are cruel! He is going
to cry to Allah and ask that Allah teaches you all a lesson!
Are you that great that you can go on and commit such gross injustice to your fellow citizens?
The people will know what to do come the fateful day when we shall decide where our votes go to in the next General Election!

of Malaysia, wake up now to the harsh reality behind all the lovey
dovey propaganda that is being pushed to us by 'Cemerlang, Gemilang,
Terbilang' spewing hard hearted ones in the MPAJ and State Government
of Selangor!

say that if you want to know whether justice prevails in the land, see
whether only the poor get punished for being poor and the rich get away
with everything?
To me, it surely looks like , justice in this
land has been gang raped, sodomised and murdered! To top it all up, the
perpetrators claim that they are innocent and the victims are the ones
who violated them in the first place!No wonder the scales are lopsided
all these while! Apathy Rules!
They have never been calibrated
all these 49 years of ruling as they pleased! Tome to get new ones!May
Justice be upheld in this country by punishing all the tyrants in power
today! Ameen!
main culprit here are those in power, directing the action without
conscience. It is not that the law should be disregarded but the
enforcement of the codes must take into account of the situation. There
should be, I believe, alternative source of avenue to solve the problem.-
Ameen, ameen thumma ameen!
Heartless bast*rds!-
general malay population are being played out by the politician
UMNO.they are the one sowing the seeds of hatred so as to be relevant
in time.their main theme is struggle,against?????........against other
races of course
Friday, December 01, 2006
The Kg Berembang tragedy

won't read about this in the mainstream newspapers. Especially not in
Utusan Malaysia. This is the kind of thing that makes my blood boil
like an active volcano.

Ampang Jaya Municipal Council tore down the only remaining structure in
Kampung Berembang in Ampang - a surau - but not before leaving the 30-year-old village looking like a battle ground.
of residents of Kampung Berembang, along with members of several
non-government organisations and political parties, were involved in a
physical battle with enforcement officers from the council, who were
backed by police and the Federal Reserve Unit to save the surau.
Last week, the council had demolished all the 50-odd houses in the village, leaving only the two-storey surau behind - that too after a long and hard protest by the villagers and members of a grassroots movement, Jerit." [malaysiakini, 30/11/2006]

If this is not kezaliman then I don't know what is.
"The officers were seen pulling the hair of some of the women and slapping the children who refused to leave the surau.
was afraid but somehow I found the courage to try to stop the officers,
maybe because I care for the surau," said Aida Suhaida (below), 15, who was slapped by a MPAJ officer.
are women, and the men should not touch us, but they kicked me and
stepped on my stomach while I was sitting at the (surau's) staircase,"
said Norhasliana Osman Taad, 22, who was pull by the officers until her
cloth was torn.
"They slapped my face until my eyes turned red. The children were also stepped on by them," she said.
the aftermath of the melee, 11 people - nine activists and two
villagers - were arrested and taken to the Ulu Kelang Taman Keramat
police station and Ampang Jaya police station.
the dust settled, Kampung Berembang looked like a battle zone with
villagers fallen to the ground, some crying in pain, about four fainted
and some vomited as a result of sheer exhaustion." [malaysiakini,

Staring at the face of cruelty, race and religion do not matter.
Salute the warriors - students, activists, NGOs, opposition leaders and the people of Kg Berembang.
I wonder what ever happened to all the Hidup Melayu! bullshit. Where was the keris-wielding Umno Youth leader?
There must be a humane solution to this. What happened to "masyarakat penyayang"? Islam Hadhari?
Kg Berembang case is still pending in court and yet the authorities
can't wait to demolish the houses and leave scores homeless. Don't they
have even an iota of compassion running through their veins?
Even a letter from the PM's Dept failed to stop the demolition. Not so powerful lah you Pak Lah after all.
Why demolish now? During rainy season? When there are children taking their SPM exams?
More drama in Harakahdaily. Read this and weep for Malaysia.
[Pix from malaysiakini and Faisal Mustaffa. More pix from Jerit here.]
zaida ismail said...
Ni semua kerja ahli neraka!- 3:54 PM
Benefit gig for Kg Berembang -with Wayang Kulit from Kg Berembang kids !
6 April 2007 - 4:03pm
Benefit gig for Kg Berembang community & Soft Launch for D' Space !
Finally there is 1st ever events which link up the 3rd & 4th
floors of D' Space -after 1 year in operation ! So it is also a 1st
year anniversary -what a long way !
Programs :
5.00pm : exhibition on the notorious Kg Berembang's demolition -photos & videos
6.00pm : film screening & discussion. Title to be confirmed later.
8.00pm : bands(names to be confirmed)
9.00pm : wayang kulit by Kg Berembang children + poetry readings & other exciting programs
10.00pm : band continue with party (BYO)
More details will come along soonest. Please show your most generous
support for the unfortunate Berembng folks who come all the way from KL
! They will also be touring other towns in Malaysia. Their wayng kulit
can be previewed at youtube -currently viwerships over 1000 by now.
Enq.013-5900339 (Ong)
TELITI: Naming Names - Seeing whose big money is behind the Kampung Berembang demolitions
Published by November 21st, 2006
in Integrity, Economy, Government Appropriation, Local Government, Government Policies, Government Negligence and TELITI.
Someone gave me a few leads re: who the Kampung Berembang developers are, and I decided to follow them up.
The internet tells us that regarding the development of the land
where once the 60 houses of Kampung Berembang stood, home to normal
decent Malaysians, these parties were involved: Perspektif Masa Sdn Bhd, Cahaya Kelang Construction (which is a subsidiary of Acmar International - probably the primary culprit), and the Selangor State Government.
Here’s how I know this. One of the clearest indicators is this map
(from the Acmar International Property Division website) which places
the location of the Berembang development project squarely where
Kampung Berembang (RIP) used to be. The Berembang development is also
listed as one of the “Future Projects”
on the Cahaya Kelang Construction website (scroll down a little bit in
that box in the bottom right), where the client is Perspektif Masa Sdn.
The involvement of the Selangor State Government is only a little less straightforward. The state government’s property development arm has previously worked together with Perspektif Masa in another area with a similiar name - Kampung Berembang Hilir, which is a different location. That project involved building 694 low-cost apartments near Jalan Aman in Gombak. We’ll go more into how the Selangor government is involved later on.
I decided to take the time to see what all these people are about.
Let me start with Acmar International, owner of Cahaya Kelang
Construction, who will be doing the actual building.
Acmar International is a huge corporation with an extremely diverse portfolio which includes running schools and hospitals (both which require extensive licensing, etc). It’s founder, Mr. Tee Leh Teck started out in rubber, moved to automotive industries and eventually grew a huge business empire.
Let’s look at the board of directors of Acmar International. The board includes Mr. Tee’s two sons - Dato’ Steven Tee Ah Seng, Dato’ Johnson Tee Kim Hock. It also includes a Mr. David Tee Kim Ke and a Mr. David Tee Kim Cheong. The remaining three members include chairman Dato’ Abd. Samad bin Maharuddin @ Samat - former Special Officer (??) to the Menteri Besar of Selangor, (persumably) his son Mr. Mohammad Khairul Dato’ Abd Samad and one Dato’ Mustapha Abd. Hamid, who was former Senior Assistant Director in the Prime Ministers Department. (See also an older webpage indicating the board of directors with slightly different info).
Getting an idea of who we’re dealing with? Good, let’s move on.
So who is this Perspektif Masa? It took RM 15 to the Registrar of Companies to find out.
The company report indicates four directors. Three of these four are
as follows: Samat @ Abd Samad bin Maharuddin, Dato’; Tee Ah Seng,
Dato’; Tee Kim Hock, Dato’. And Perspektif Masa’s two sole share holders? The two Dato’ Tee’s.
The Tee family has its roots in Klang, and in the growing of their business empire, seem to have developed extremely close ties with the Selangor State Government.
This is perhaps most clearly evidenced by the large number of projects
undertaken by what appears to be a Joint Venture company - PNSB Acmar. PNSB stands for Permodalan Negeri Selangor Bhd, which is the development arm of the Selangor State Government.
From the Cahaya Kelang Construction site pages on completed, present and future projects alone, one can find seven constructions projects for PNSB Acmar. This is just for construction - I haven’t looked into other business ventures PNSB and Acmar are taking together.
Another RM 15 got me the company report of PNSB Acmar. They have
failed to submit their accounts since 2000, which is a punishable
offence I understand. In that last statement of accounts, if I read the
report correctly, the company was losing RM 16 million dollars. A substantial amount of that I assume is Selangor taxpayer money.
Other ties between Selangor and Acmar that I have heard about only amount to hearsay at this point.
I daresay the relationship was close enough such that the Selangor
State Government could have intervened on behalf of the villagers and
called for a delay should they have so wished. Instead, whether or not
the directors were aware of it or not, this happened:
in order to make these rich men (all but one from only 2 families) richer faster:
I’m sure we would welcome any justification or explanation from Acmar International or the Selangor State Government.
Here are the two company reports (you owe me 30 bucks! :)
Perspektif Masa Company Report
PNSB Acmar Company Report
A quote from the Acmar website:
Our Key Beliefs:
‘ACMAR SEMANGAT BOLEH’ Always maintain ‘Acmarian Can’ high spirit
› Constant respect for people
› Quality in all our dealings
› Be disciplined in our behavior
› Continuous upgrading of our knowledge and skills
The reality?
If you google “Kg. Berembang” you can get some old stuff like this Malay Mail article regarding struggles against development and eviction from over a year ago.
Ok for now, I’ll try to keep tabs on this.
Tags-Economy, Government Appropriation, Government Negligence, Government Policies, Integrity, Local Government, TELITI
26 Responses to “TELITI: Naming Names - Seeing whose big money is behind the Kampung Berembang demolitions”
- 1
Nov 21st, 2006 at 7:11 pm
hi there nat, thanks for highlighting the rot in our country. keep it up! - 2
Nov 21st, 2006 at 7:26 pm
Nice work. Haiya - If I’d known you were going to ROC, I would have asked you to find out about “Sanctuary Gasing”! - 4
Nov 22nd, 2006 at 5:30 pm
Thanks a lot for your noble effort. Much appreciated. Thank for the
pics of the bastards too. Well, I’ve got to say that the Tees do look
like a bunch of Chinaman gangsters. - 5
Nov 22nd, 2006 at 5:31 pm
Keep up the good job. Maybe we can meet someday, who knows …bye for now … - 6
Nov 22nd, 2006 at 5:32 pm
I have bookmarked your blog. Excellent! - 8
Nov 24th, 2006 at 11:35 am
I stole from your cheap warehouse in the steal of the night.
As quid pro quo (frankly I stole this phrase from someone else’s, hope
it’s apt hear!), Desi did a li’l promo for thy cyberhome — just
remember I always claim 30& CON…!:) - 9
Nov 24th, 2006 at 4:17 pm
appreciated the effort you put in seeking the truth..As a person who
were and still have deep connection to KG.Berembang..your articles
reflect a near live scenario on what happened…And the mishaps did not
stop at the eviction only..Try to find out the political party leaders
involved in this fracas and it will blow your mind out on what happened
and the figure involved in this high valued land..Keep up your good
deed my friend..You will hear from me often… - 10
Nov 25th, 2006 at 9:46 pm
banyak terjadi penempatan seperti ini. penduduk terpaksa mempertahankan
hak sendiri. naik turun mahkamah dengan duit sendiri. rata-rata
penduduknya adalah golongan perpendapatan rendah. pemimpin hanya omong
kosong. tiada pembelaan terhadap mereka seperti ini.
pemimpin tipu!!!!!!!!!!! - 12
Dec 4th, 2006 at 11:48 pm
Dec 6th, 2006 at 1:39 pm
wow! that was thorough job you have done. bravo! keep up the good work. ;) - 14
Dec 9th, 2006 at 1:13 pm
mana ada nak buat perumahan
kg berembang dirobohkan untuk buat sekolah - 16
Dec 10th, 2006 at 7:33 am
me ‘Half past six’ govt is not relevent 4all Malaysian, heartbroke when
i see this happens in ‘Islam Hadhari’ country. Vote out those culprit
and bring a new hope on the reformed party. - 17
Dec 17th, 2006 at 10:56 am
The worst leaders are those who look clean on the out side but full of s..t in the inside. - 18
Apr 3rd, 2007 at 12:43 pm
I just happened to browse through the links and found this blog. Well, I thought I’d like to share some inputs.
Some 30 or 40 years ago, the Government awarded a group of senior
civil servants plots of land at or around the Kampung Berembang area
for them to build residential homes as a reward for their dedicated
services throughout their working life.
Some 100 or so recipients were involved, many dead over the passing
years. At least 32 of them were issued Qualifying Titles and the matter
just fizzled out as more of them died over time. Their next of kins
faced brick walls everytime the issue is raised.
May I ask who actually owns land in that area?
My late father was one of those awarded about 5000 sq ft in those
days and told his children (me included) to follow up on the matter
before he died , but many documents went missing in the process. I
still have some valuable documents pertaining to the matter and intend
to pursue my inheritence. None of us have given permission neither
expressed or implied for any party to squat on our piece of land.
Can anyone in here help me out? Many thanks.
- 1
Pingback on Nov 21st, 2006 at 7:42 pm - 2
Pingback on Nov 22nd, 2006 at 3:45 pm - 3
Pingback on Nov 24th, 2006 at 4:29 am - 4
Pingback on Nov 24th, 2006 at 5:03 am - 5
Pingback on Nov 24th, 2006 at 10:33 am - 6
Pingback on Nov 25th, 2006 at 2:45 pm - 7
Pingback on Dec 3rd, 2006 at 12:53 am - 8
Pingback on Mar 7th, 2007 at 6:39 pm
Demolition: Kg Berembang
March 6th, 2007 by admin
Residents of Kg Berembang sent me a SOS sms this morning: the developer has sent in demolition team to pull down houses.
After the demolition last year, the residents have rebuilt their houses and continued to resist the eviction.
Embarrassingly I was caught in an awkward
situation. The power of my house was interrupted (bloody TNB!) and I
was unable to open my autogate (problem with technology!). Finally I
had to get Nat to pick me up. By the time we got there it was about
13:00hr. All the houses had been destroyed and the kampong was again
reduced into ruins.
Hamzah and other party members briefed me what
happened. The kampong folks and their representatives told me that they
were caught surprised when thugs and RELA arrived unannounced in early
morning. They were unable to resist the violent force.
I was also told that the court had set an inter parte
hearing on 14 March—it is 10 days away. As far as the residents were
concerned, the intrusion was illegal. Unfortunately the developer had
quietly went to court and got an injunction to clear the land.
The source of all problems is the unjust law,
which basically bias toward developers’ interests. The land explorer of
land—in Malay normally they are referred as “peneroka” rather than squatter (setinggan)—have no protection in laws.
Despite decades of development, the system
continues to produce poverty even in the capital city. And the army of
urban poor is forever growing. The government is also unable to resolve
the basic problem of housing, which is one of the essential needs of a
human being.
I always feel frustrated confronting with this
powerful force of capitalist urbanization. My presence seemed to serve
nothing but to console the residents that people from outside care and
willing to share their sorrow.
Within half an hour after my arrival, the
excavators and bulldozers resumed their engines. A few of us stood in
front of the machines with the intension to stop their work. A squad
police were stationed outside and appeared to be unwilling to do more
than just observing. Even the MPAJ enforcers were absent. The developer
relied solely on some 50-60 RELA to maintain order.
Since the contractors were unwilling to discuss
with the residents, our only option was to obstruct their recommence
clearing work. The stalemate went on for hours.
At the end, the subcontractors who were under
pressure from both their employers and kampong folks pledged us to
allow them to do some token work so that they could collect their pay.
After a long negotiation, the village folks finally agreed to let the
machine to do some clearing of bushes and grasses around the fringe.
The trucks went to the side and did their work for about 40 minutes. By 16:30hr, all operation ceased.
One Response to “Demolition: Kg Berembang”
Kg Berembang
November 21st, 2006 by Tian
Kg Berembang is located in the prime commercial center of KL |
I heard about the demolition attempt in Kampung Berembang last week.
Last Friday, Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya (MPAJ) tried to bulldoze
through the kampung but was stopped by the residents. Over the weekend,
sms had been circulated warning that a large scale demolition was on
its way on Monday (20 November).
Unfortunately I was tied up with so many things: press conference
for Suara Keadilan, workshop with NDI, etc. At noon, I got news that
several activists had been arrested as the MPAJ enforcers forced their
way in.
At about 14:00hr, I received phone calls from KeADILan activists on
the ground saying that the situation was getting more tense as FRU and
other uniform units were ready to make another assault. At the time I
was at the Sheraton Hotel, about to join the NDI workshop. So I dragged
Ginie along and rushed to Kg Berembang.
When we arrived, the atmosphere was very tense. Things were quite
chaotic and one immediately sensed the outburst of anger. I walked
around the kampung, where houses were being evacuated, and crying and
angry families were everywhere.
In one corner I saw an infuriated mother crying with her two
children. She held their hands and lightly stroked their heads, telling
“Look at this, sons, don’t forget this when you grow up. If you ever
grow up to be someone, you should always remember this. This is the
fate of us poor people.
“Open your eyes, look at what they have done to us poor people, remember this till the end…”
This scene was vividly displayed in front of me. I was very moved,
and sad. I wished I had a video-cam to capture this moment. I watched
all of them helplessly.
Within minutes, excavators got into action. 5 or 6 excavators worked
in chorus. Escorted by the contingents of urban councils, the machines
advanced to all the houses. It was a scene of battlefield, the
conquerors marching in, ready to quash any resistance.
Having cleared the earlier human barricade, the troops of urban
council enforcers and police now took control. The residents were
threatened with arrest if they disobeyed the order to evacuate their
belongings from their houses.
It didn’t take long for their meager property to be moved out. Soon
the machine’s iron claw swiftly crushed through the roof, knocked down
walls and squashed everything standing. Demolition is a form of
violence. I felt as if I was trapped in a cinema watching a horror
movie—the acts of destruction seemed to run in slow motion, while the
machines screamed loud heavy metal tunes, and bricks, wood and cement
all crumbled into piles of rubble.
As the houses fell one after another, the poor cried helplessly.
Their homes for 30-40 years were erased in front of their eyes; but
these images were chiseled in the memory of the children.
I heard someone said, “Lebih kejam dari Israel…”
For this operation, many uniformed forces were called in. Besides
the ordinary police force and SB, there were FRU, light forces, even
the fire brigade. MPAJ had also called in other enforcement units from
Subang Jaya, Sepang and Selayang. Although the area is within the
jurisdiction of Ampang Jaya Council, others came to aid in
’solidarity’. There were probably 300 to 400 personnel, taking on some
60 over houses. No doubt it was a war: the conquest of the poor by the
On my way home, heavy rain started pouring. My heart sunk deep.
On the radio, the DJ announced that today was the first day of exams and wished the school children well.
That reminded me, one of the families has a girl who is taking her
exam this year. She was out sitting for her paper while the bulldozer
was razing her home.
Tonight, she and hundreds of others will be sheltered under a piece
of broken zinc or a small tent. They will have to endure many more cold
and wet nights without a roof. The monsoon season has been unusually
cruel this year.
5 Responses to “Kg Berembang”
- on 24 Nov 2006 at 3:18 am nat
very descriptive, and very sad….
i hope people don’t forget the developers and their associates who are behind all this… - on 25 Nov 2006 at 9:27 pm » Blog Archive » Kg. Berembang - Penyokong UMNO Terpinggir di Bumi Sendiri!
Dua buah rumah juga terbakar ’secara misteri’, menurut Bernama. Semalam
seorang rakan menghantar SMS bertanya lanjut insiden tersebut kerana
salah seorang pemandu di syarikatnya tinggal di sana. Lebih 20 aktivis
yang cuba membantu penduduk Kg. Berembang ditahan polis. Menurut Star,
seorang penduduk kehilangan 10,000 cucuk sate yang disediakan untuk
sebuah rumah terbuka ketika Kg. Berambang dimusnahkan. Yang lebih
menarik lagi, surat daripada Pejabat PM meminta agar tindakan MPAJ
tersebut dihentikan tidak dihiraukan, kerana kerajaan negeri memberikan
kebenaran. SUHAKAM juga telah meminta agar MB Selangor menjelaskan
tindakan tersebut. Ketua Penerangan Keadilan, Tian Chua, merakamkan
catatan peribadinya ketika peristiwa tersebut. Seperti kata kenalan
saya, Tony Pua, tiada siapa mempersoalkan hak pemilik tanah untuk
meminta mereka berpindah. Tetapi penduduk Kg. Berembang sudah tinggal
di sana selama 30 tahun, dan perumahan alternatif mereka belum siap. Di
mana perikemanusiaan pemaju dan PBT? […] - on 01 Dec 2006 at 12:56 pm James
Wow! It is so shocking to read that those four houses were going to be
build-dozed! and the worst part is that those people living there never
got any advanced notice. Quite frankly I am very disppointed of the
attitude of people nowadays in dealing with these kinds of matters! I
mean c’mon what is wrong with you people? Are you so heartless and
selfish that societies needs don’t have anything to do with you?
*(sigh)* Anyway. It’s good that the peope fought back and tried to
negotiate instead of fighting constantly. I am support the arguement of
the villagers and the people living in those very houses. My heart goes
out to them and urge them for fight for their rights. Even if the must,
they’ll have to challange the constitution. I write in cordial with the
need to make more sense of this case. As for the police and other
people involved. Well! All I can say is that you’re never there for the
people. Let alone protect, not even the innocence. Foreigners have a
very bad of point of view of the Malaysian Police anyway. Please so
something about this case because I am concerned. I am a Malaysian but
has been travelling overseas for the past 16 years. And been to nearly
24 countries. And I am very disappointed at the attitude… I really am…
Thank God there are people who are concerned enough to write about
these things! *(PHEW)*!
x kesian. tapi mereka yang cari pasal. dah la duduk tanah haram. diarah
pindah, diberi lagi duit pindah rm1500, rumah disediakan, duduk free 3
tahun, pindah je la.- on 09 Mar 2007 at 7:24 pm Squatters – to be or not to be? « BJ Thoughts…
In the case of Indian temples which have been standing for more than
100 years, the government was quick to label it as “squatters” despite
clear objection from the many people and numerous appeals to gazette
the land. There is little compensation or in most situations, the
temple committee is left high and dry. In case of Kampung Berembang, it
is sitting on prime land – so is there a reasonable cause to evict the
people to develop the land? […]
Kg Berembang
November 21st, 2006 by Tian
Kg Berembang is located in the prime commercial center of KL
I heard about the demolition attempt in Kampung Berembang last week. Last Friday, Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya (MPAJ) tried to bulldoze through the kampung but was stopped by the residents. Over the weekend, sms had been circulated warning that a large scale demolition was on its way on Monday (20 November).
Unfortunately I was tied up with so many things: press conference for Suara Keadilan, workshop with NDI, etc. At noon, I got news that several activists had been arrested as the MPAJ enforcers forced their way in.
At about 14:00hr, I received phone calls from KeADILan activists on the ground saying that the situation was getting more tense as FRU and other uniform units were ready to make another assault. At the time I was at the Sheraton Hotel, about to join the NDI workshop. So I dragged Ginie along and rushed to Kg Berembang.
When we arrived, the atmosphere was very tense. Things were quite chaotic and one immediately sensed the outburst of anger. I walked around the kampung, where houses were being evacuated, and crying and angry families were everywhere.
In one corner I saw an infuriated mother crying with her two children. She held their hands and lightly stroked their heads, telling them:
“Look at this, sons, don’t forget this when you grow up. If you ever grow up to be someone, you should always remember this. This is the fate of us poor people.
“Open your eyes, look at what they have done to us poor people, remember this till the end…”
This scene was vividly displayed in front of me. I was very moved, and sad. I wished I had a video-cam to capture this moment. I watched all of them helplessly.
Within minutes, excavators got into action. 5 or 6 excavators worked in chorus. Escorted by the contingents of urban councils, the machines advanced to all the houses. It was a scene of battlefield, the conquerors marching in, ready to quash any resistance.
Having cleared the earlier human barricade, the troops of urban council enforcers and police now took control. The residents were threatened with arrest if they disobeyed the order to evacuate their belongings from their houses.
It didn’t take long for their meager property to be moved out. Soon the machine’s iron claw swiftly crushed through the roof, knocked down walls and squashed everything standing. Demolition is a form of violence. I felt as if I was trapped in a cinema watching a horror movie—the acts of destruction seemed to run in slow motion, while the machines screamed loud heavy metal tunes, and bricks, wood and cement all crumbled into piles of rubble.
As the houses fell one after another, the poor cried helplessly. Their homes for 30-40 years were erased in front of their eyes; but these images were chiseled in the memory of the children.
I heard someone said, “Lebih kejam dari Israel…”
For this operation, many uniformed forces were called in. Besides the ordinary police force and SB, there were FRU, light forces, even the fire brigade. MPAJ had also called in other enforcement units from Subang Jaya, Sepang and Selayang. Although the area is within the jurisdiction of Ampang Jaya Council, others came to aid in ’solidarity’. There were probably 300 to 400 personnel, taking on some 60 over houses. No doubt it was a war: the conquest of the poor by the rich.
On my way home, heavy rain started pouring. My heart sunk deep.
On the radio, the DJ announced that today was the first day of exams and wished the school children well.
That reminded me, one of the families has a girl who is taking her exam this year. She was out sitting for her paper while the bulldozer was razing her home.
Tonight, she and hundreds of others will be sheltered under a piece of broken zinc or a small tent. They will have to endure many more cold and wet nights without a roof. The monsoon season has been unusually cruel this year.
Posted in Activities, human rights |
5 Responses to “Kg Berembang”
on 24 Nov 2006 at 3:18 am nat
very descriptive, and very sad…. :(
i hope people don’t forget the developers and their associates who are behind all this… :(
on 25 Nov 2006 at 9:27 pm » Blog Archive » Kg. Berembang - Penyokong UMNO Terpinggir di Bumi Sendiri!
[…] Dua buah rumah juga terbakar ’secara misteri’, menurut Bernama. Semalam seorang rakan menghantar SMS bertanya lanjut insiden tersebut kerana salah seorang pemandu di syarikatnya tinggal di sana. Lebih 20 aktivis yang cuba membantu penduduk Kg. Berembang ditahan polis. Menurut Star, seorang penduduk kehilangan 10,000 cucuk sate yang disediakan untuk sebuah rumah terbuka ketika Kg. Berambang dimusnahkan. Yang lebih menarik lagi, surat daripada Pejabat PM meminta agar tindakan MPAJ tersebut dihentikan tidak dihiraukan, kerana kerajaan negeri memberikan kebenaran. SUHAKAM juga telah meminta agar MB Selangor menjelaskan tindakan tersebut. Ketua Penerangan Keadilan, Tian Chua, merakamkan catatan peribadinya ketika peristiwa tersebut. Seperti kata kenalan saya, Tony Pua, tiada siapa mempersoalkan hak pemilik tanah untuk meminta mereka berpindah. Tetapi penduduk Kg. Berembang sudah tinggal di sana selama 30 tahun, dan perumahan alternatif mereka belum siap. Di mana perikemanusiaan pemaju dan PBT? […]
on 01 Dec 2006 at 12:56 pm James
Hello! Wow! It is so shocking to read that those four houses were going to be build-dozed! and the worst part is that those people living there never got any advanced notice. Quite frankly I am very disppointed of the attitude of people nowadays in dealing with these kinds of matters! I mean c’mon what is wrong with you people? Are you so heartless and selfish that societies needs don’t have anything to do with you? *(sigh)* Anyway. It’s good that the peope fought back and tried to negotiate instead of fighting constantly. I am support the arguement of the villagers and the people living in those very houses. My heart goes out to them and urge them for fight for their rights. Even if the must, they’ll have to challange the constitution. I write in cordial with the need to make more sense of this case. As for the police and other people involved. Well! All I can say is that you’re never there for the people. Let alone protect, not even the innocence. Foreigners have a very bad of point of view of the Malaysian Police anyway. Please so something about this case because I am concerned. I am a Malaysian but has been travelling overseas for the past 16 years. And been to nearly 24 countries. And I am very disappointed at the attitude… I really am… Thank God there are people who are concerned enough to write about these things! *(PHEW)*!
on 06 Dec 2006 at 3:58 pm joshua
bukan x kesian. tapi mereka yang cari pasal. dah la duduk tanah haram. diarah pindah, diberi lagi duit pindah rm1500, rumah disediakan, duduk free 3 tahun, pindah je la.
on 09 Mar 2007 at 7:24 pm Squatters – to be or not to be? « BJ Thoughts…
[…] In the case of Indian temples which have been standing for more than 100 years, the government was quick to label it as “squatters” despite clear objection from the many people and numerous appeals to gazette the land. There is little compensation or in most situations, the temple committee is left high and dry. In case of Kampung Berembang, it is sitting on prime land – so is there a reasonable cause to evict the people to develop the land? […]
[…] Demolition: Kg Berembang […]