Every once in a while archaeologists (and sometimes regular Joes)
make some remarkable discoveries. Stunned, they are often unable to
explain what it is they’ve found, how it came into existence, or
ascertain its value. This is a comprehensive list of such artifacts;
artifacts that many believe should have never existed given the
discerned age/period of their creation.
The London hammer – a tool older than history

In June 1936 (or 1934 according to some accounts), Max Hahn and his
wife Emma were on a walk when they noticed a rock with wood protruding
from its core. They decided to take the oddity home and later cracked it
open with a hammer and a chisel. Ironically, what they found within
seemed to be an archaic hammer of sorts. A team of archaeologists
checked it, and as it turns out, the rock encasing the hammer was dated
back more than 400 million year; the hammer itself turned out to be more
than 500 million years old. Additionally, a section of the handle has
begun the transformation to coal. Creationists, of course, were all over
this. The hammer’s head, made of more than 96% iron, is far more pure
than anything nature could have achieved without an assist from modern

Wood turning to coal
Pictures from
here, copyright David Lines
The Antikythera mechanism – a Greek ancient computer

Antikythera mechanism has been labeled the first known mechanical
computer. Found in a shipwreck off the Greek island of Antikythera, it
was designed to calculate astronomical positions. Consisting of a box

on the outside and a very complex assembly of gear wheels mounted
within, it’s about as complex as an 18th century top-notch clock. The
level of sophistication utilized by the device has forced scientists to
accept that their perceptions of ancient Greek engineering may be
faulty. Nothing similar to this exists or is mentioned in any known
writings from the period of its creation. Based on the knowledge we do
have, this mechanism shouldn’t even exist. According to Professor
Michael Edmunds of Cardiff University, who led the team studying the
“This device is just extraordinary, the only thing of its
kind. The design is beautiful, the astronomy is exactly right. The way
the mechanics are designed just makes your jaw drop. Whoever has done
this has done it extremely carefully.” He added: “…in terms of historic
and scarcity value, I have to regard this mechanism as being more
valuable than the Mona Lisa.”
The Dropa Stones

1938, an expedition led by archaeologist Dr. Chi Pu Tei into the
Baian-Kara-Ula in China made an astonishing discovery. Nearby caves held
traces of the ancient culture which once occupied them. Buried by the
dusts of time, hundreds of stone disks lay scattered about the cave’s
interior. Nothing too spectacular you may think, but the disks turned
out to be eerily similar to phonograph records — nine inches in
diameter, a circle cut into their centers and an obvious spiral groove.
They are believed to be more than 10,000 years old. But the spiral, as
it turns out, is composed of tiny hieroglyphics. When studied and
translated, it was revealed that the discs tell the amazing story of
spaceships that crashed into the mountains, piloted by people who called
themselves the Dropa.
The Saqqara bird – an Egyptian plane

during the 1898 excavation of the Pa-di-Imen tomb in Saqqara, Egypt,
the Saqqara bird is (as you could have guessed) a bird shaped artifact
made from the wood of a sycamore tree. Weighing in at just under 40
grams and with a wingspan of more than 7 inches, it’s been dated back to
approximately 200 BC. Lack of documentation and other data has led to
some speculation. In fact, the ancient egyptians were well aware of the
principles of aviation. Was it simply the toy of an affluent Egyptian
child? Did it serve some kind of ceremonial purpose? Regardless, the
object has few realistic bird traits. With its vertical tail, resembling
that of an airplane or glider, it resembles no known bird. Scientists
came to the conclusion that it couldn’t be effective as an aircraft due
to lack of technology, but it could have in fact been a glider.
The Baghdad battery – a 2000 year old battery

device consists of a 5-1/2-inch high clay vessel, inside of which was a
copper cylinder held in place by asphalt. Within the cylinder,
archaeologists found an oxidized iron rod. In 1940, Wilhelm König (the
German director of the National Museum of Iraq) suggested that these
could be galvanic cells, perhaps used for electroplating gold onto
silver objects. Nobody has been able to prove him wrong, especially
since it only needed to be filled with an acid or alkaline substance to
produce an electric charge.
Unexplainable fossils and metal objects
Geology is a relatively “new” science. The progress and developments
made through experimentation are absolutely remarkable and have helped
in many other fields. Still, there are some things yet to be explained.
Though the honeycomb pattern of paleodictyon is already well known, we
remain stumped as to the creation of such and more questions are being


drawing of metallic tube
For example, a fossil of a human handprint was found in limestone
estimated to be more than 110 million years, a fossilized human finger
with just as much, and the aparent discovery of a human footprint that
possibly sported a sandal which dates to more than 300 million years
ago. These amazing fossilized imprints/remains have left the scientific
community scratching their collective heads. Not to mention the 65
million year old semi-ovoid metallic tubes being dug out of France, the
unusual block of coal discovered 124 years ago which contained a metal
cube that couldn’t have formed naturally within the lump, and
many more such things
The Piri Reis map

1929, a group of historians made what can only be described as an
amazing discovery, written on the skin of a gazelle. After study and
research, they found that it is a genuine map drawn in 1513 by Piri
Reis, a well documented admiral of the Turkish navy. He depicts Europe
and North Africa, the coast of Brazil, several islands (Azores, Canary
Islands, and the mythical island of Antilia), and even Antarctica, which
was thought to be discovered more than 300 years later. The most
puzzling thing is not that it shows we need to rethink the chronology
for a number of exploratory discoveries, but that it describes
Antarctica’s topography as not being masked by ice and in great detail.
The last time that occured was more than 6000 years ago. Tell me then.
How did a Turkish admiral from half a millenium ago map a continent
that’s been covered by ice for the last 6000 years?
The Nazca drawings

Nazca drawings (or lines) definitely have something otherworldly about
them. Discovered in 1930 — when the US inaugurated two new commercial
lines — they cover 450 square km and some measure more than 200m in
length. They depict lines, geometrical figures, animals and figures that
we haven’t entirely figured out yet (many believe them to be
constellations). Whether made for the gods or for some other reason,
it’s obvious that they were meant to be seen from the sky. Scientists
have had trouble trying to figure out how they could have been designed
and created without somebody directing the work from above. We can only
marvel at these amazing figures and continue to wonder how and why they
were created by a people called the Nasca.
The mysterious city of Nan Madol – a city built on corals

city of Nan Madol was built between 200 B.C. – 800 A.D., on a coral
reef near Micronesia. It consisted of about 100 artificial islands made
from huge basalt blocks and connected with viaducts. From the start, it
dazzles us with a mix of the bizarre and grandeur. From the start it
seems incongruous; 250 million tons of offshore basalt in the middle of
nowhere. How were these huge blocks quarried, transported, and placed in
the perfect spot? Even by today’s standards, it would an impressive
engineering feat. Additionally, the reasoning behind its development
remains a mystery. Archaelogists have few clues as to what happened to
the civilization responsibile for its creation.
The Sacsayhuaman walls

the city of Cuzco, more than 3500 meters above sea level, these amazing
walls first fascinated the Spanish conquistadores. They were astonished
to discover how these people who, according to them, were ignorant and
lacked the ability of logical reasoning

to have built such wonders. They are in fact 3 concentric walls, the
average being roughly 360 meters in length and 6 meters in height, made
from limestone blocks that weigh about 300 tons each. They didn’t use
mortar or any other kind of cement to bind the walls, but they are
carved and placed in such a way packed so closely that even a sharp
knife can’t be wedged between 2 blocks. Scientists have tried to achieve
this at a much smaller scale and have failed in their efforts to
replicate the tight joints of the Sacsayhuaman walls.
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