Creative products and gadgets that will make a cool addition to any modern kitchen.
Avocado Cuber: Useful product designed for making uniform-sized cubes of avocado.
Onion Holder: With this tool you'll be able to create straight, even slices from one end of the onion to the other.
Corn Zipper: This product quickly and safely removes kernels from the corn while protecting the fingers.
Garlic Rocker: This excellent designed kitchen tool uses downward pressure and a 'rocking' mechanism for crushing and mincing garlic.
Banana Slicer: Just peel your banana, and push this gadget down from top; it creates evenly sliced pieces.
Tomato/Mozzarella Slicer: This useful tool swiftly cuts ripe tomatoes and creamy mozzarella into uniform slices.
Apple Corer: This ergonomically designed tool makes coring apples easy.
Strawberry Huller: This cool kitchen tool quickly removes the leaves and stem from a strawberry.
Rotato Potato Peeler: This cool innovative tool peels off potato skin in one continuous spiral.
Banana Slicer: This innovative banana slicer quickly creates five thin, uniform banana slices by just a press of handle.
Strawberry Slicer: This cool gadget transforms a whole strawberry into perfect slices with just a press of the handle.
Apple Divider:
This tool produces two sizes of uniformly sliced apples and with a
downward push, it cores an apple and cuts it into thin slices.
Peach Pitter: With an easy downward push this tool turns whole peaches and nectarines into uniform slices.
Mango Pitter: This tool slices a mango down the center and cuts the pit out.
Pineapple Slicer and Dicer: This cleverly designed tool peels, cores, slices and dices a pineapple in two simple steps.
Watermelon Knife: Functional knife with a green handle and a red blade decorated with a seed cutout design.
Cherry and Olive Pitter: This time saving tool makes pitting cherries and olives easy while the fruit remains whole.
Vegetables into Spaghetti: Put the vegetables in this gadget and slice them into "spiral" or "spaghetti" as desired.
Compact Herb Chopper:
It comprises of a non-slip chopping unit and a double hachoir in one.
It's suitable for chopping all kinds of herbs, garlic, ginger, nuts and
Finger Guard: Stainless steel shield that protects fingers while slicing and dicing.
Cupcake Corer: Use this cool tool to make a perfect center hole in cupcakes and muffins so that you can add fillings.
Can Dispenser: This cool can dispenser pours you canned drinks without spilling.
Milk Clip:
Herb Mill: With a minimal effort and simple twist, the sharp blades will quickly and smoothly mince even large quantities of herbs.
Herb Scissors: The unusual blade design features a set of five sharp blades that mince fresh herbs quickly and easily.
Lettuce Chopper: This cool karate chopper gives your lettuce a swift slice and prepares fresh salad is seconds.
Garlic Zoom Chopper: To slice garlic, just drop peeled cloves into the mincer and roll it on a flat surface.
Garlic Peeler:
Useful tool that peels a clove of garlic with easy; 'simply insert
whole unpeeled cloves, press down firmly, and briskly roll back and
forth for a few seconds, until you hear the peel seperate.'
Pancake Pen:
Mix batters right in the bottle; measurement markings on the side help
you measure quantities and it can hold 3 cups of batter.
A useful tool that keeps the lid closed while the noodles are heating
up and as the temperature rises it changes color to white, letting you
know three minutes have elapsed.
Easy Twist Jar Opener: Simply select the appropriate opening size, grip firmly and twist. This cool tool opens any size jar effortlessly.
Bottle Holder: Self-balancing bottle holder that rocks with a little push.
Lemon Squeezer: All you need to do is just cut your lemon in half, place the half into the squeezer and squeeze.
Rotary Peeler:
Designed by Damian Evans, it has three stainless steel blades in one:
standard, soft skin, and julienne. To change the blade you just have to
rotate the internal mechanism.

Milky Moo Milk Head:
This cow inspired tool is a bottle top and pourer for your plastic milk
bottles. This can be fixed on most standard 1/2 pint, pint and gallon
plastic milk cartons.
Knuckle Meat Tenderizer: This brass-knuckle inspired meat tenderizer is made from aluminum alloy.
Upside Down Bottle Holder: This cool inverted bottle holder will ensure that content of delicious ketchup or mustard is ready to dispense instantly.
Produce Washing Net:
Clean fruits and vegetables in less time using this net; just put it
over your faucet while you rinse your fresh fruits and vegetables.
Bottle Caps Punch:
This cool device is designed to make holes in the metal caps of
soda-bottles, and you can enjoy your drink through a straw without
opening the caps.
Pumpkin Knife:
The blade easily slices through firm pumpkins, gourds, or squashes; it
comes with perforations in the blade and a nonstick coating that allows
smooth-gliding slicing action and perfect release.
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