Adolf Hitler, failed dictator of Germany during World War II, produced a variety of oil and watercolor paintings. In addition to being responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people, including the genocide of six million Jews, Hitler was an artist who used cathedrals and flowers as subject matter for many of his paintings.
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Before becoming involved in politics, Hitler applied several times to The Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, hoping to further his artistic career. He was turned down each time, and was forced to live on the streets, selling paintings to tourists and exchanging them in restaurants for meals.

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The authenticity of Hitler’s paintings is often hard to prove, as he seldom mentioned the paintings by name or description in his correspondence and diaries. His friend, Reinhold Hanisch, sold fake Hitler paintings during the fuehrer’s reign over Germany, an act that Hitler did not approve of. During Hitler’s youth, Hanisch pushed him to create a painting per day, a grueling pace which otherwise managed to feed them each evening.

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Example of Hitler’s signature

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Example of a Fake Hitler signature

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Hitler’s painting of Mary and child has caused a lot of stir amongst Christians. Hitler himself was a Christian, yet he was the creator of much misery and despair during the Second World War. He has been held responsible for the deaths of millions of Jews, gypsies and people from other social sects that Hitler didn’t deem worthy of being included in his future Germany.

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Hitler produced many paintings depicting the areas that he visited. However, he produced a large amount of postcard sized paintings of cathedrals and churches that were popular with tourists.

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He was known to have a varying style, working in oils and watercolor, which makes verification of his paintings even more difficult. In fact, it is said that many of Hitler’s paintings that have previously sold for thousands of pounds may in fact be fakes.

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The tranquility and peacefulness portrayed in Hitler’s paintings belie the atrocities he committed during WWII. One can only wonder how a man who was responsible for so many deaths could paint gentle, colorful paintings of flowers, churches and landscapes.
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Before becoming involved in politics, Hitler applied several times to The Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, hoping to further his artistic career. He was turned down each time, and was forced to live on the streets, selling paintings to tourists and exchanging them in restaurants for meals.
“Cathedral in Vienna”
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The authenticity of Hitler’s paintings is often hard to prove, as he seldom mentioned the paintings by name or description in his correspondence and diaries. His friend, Reinhold Hanisch, sold fake Hitler paintings during the fuehrer’s reign over Germany, an act that Hitler did not approve of. During Hitler’s youth, Hanisch pushed him to create a painting per day, a grueling pace which otherwise managed to feed them each evening.
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Example of Hitler’s signature
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Example of a Fake Hitler signature
“Mother Mary with the Holy Child Jesus Christ”
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Hitler’s painting of Mary and child has caused a lot of stir amongst Christians. Hitler himself was a Christian, yet he was the creator of much misery and despair during the Second World War. He has been held responsible for the deaths of millions of Jews, gypsies and people from other social sects that Hitler didn’t deem worthy of being included in his future Germany.
Series of Paintings by Hitler Depicting the Areas He Visited around Europe
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Hitler produced many paintings depicting the areas that he visited. However, he produced a large amount of postcard sized paintings of cathedrals and churches that were popular with tourists.
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He was known to have a varying style, working in oils and watercolor, which makes verification of his paintings even more difficult. In fact, it is said that many of Hitler’s paintings that have previously sold for thousands of pounds may in fact be fakes.
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The tranquility and peacefulness portrayed in Hitler’s paintings belie the atrocities he committed during WWII. One can only wonder how a man who was responsible for so many deaths could paint gentle, colorful paintings of flowers, churches and landscapes.
Portraits of Dogs as They Shake Off Water
For her series “Shake“, pet photographer Carli Davidson photographed curious portraits of dogs shaking off water. Use a fast shutter speed and you can capture all kinds of strange expressions on your dog’s face.
You can find the rest of the photographs in the series here.
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