in ‘exploded flowers’, artist fong qi wei has created a collection of images that show the radial symmetry of flowers, and also individual floral components. the act of disassembly lays bare the various shapes and textures of the flowers, highlighting how expansive some flowers can get when they are disassembled – the relative surface area to size of a rose is so much greater compared to a larger flower like the sunflower. the use of photography captures the beauty and intricacies of nature’s flowers in the moment of full bloom, and at the same time let you have a different appreciation of their beauty.
sunflower exploded 01, singapore
image courtesy fong qi wet
gerbera exploded 01, singapore
image courtesy fong qi wet
pom pom exploded 01, singapore
image courtesy fong qi wet
hydrangea exploded 01, singapore
image courtesy fong qi wet
rose exploded 02, singapore
image courtesy fong qi wet